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In compliance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law 1336 of 2009, CAMINOS DE COLOMBIA PROMOTORA SAS. (hereinafter CAMINOS DE COLOMBIA)establishes the following Code of Conduct aimed at the protection of children and adolescents against pornography, abuse, and sexual exploitation.
The commitments enshrined in this Code of Conduct are adopted as a comprehensive policy in the promotion, sale, and operation of all our activities and must likewise be adopted by the entire group of stakeholders: employees, contractors, suppliers, clients, among others in their daily activities.
To this end, CAMINOS DE COLOMBIA and its group of stakeholders undertakes to:
We inform you that compliance failure with this Code of Conduct is reported and criminally sanctioned by the competent authorities. For complaints you can call the Free Line 01 8000 112 440 or visit the website
This code of conduct was modified and published on our website on January 15, 2024.
Complying with article 17 of law 679 of 2001, the agency warns tourists that sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents in the country are criminally and administratively sanctioned by Colombian laws. National Tourism Registry: 34528 & 34529
Caminos de Colombia DMC, OPC & Incoming Tour Operator is a registered trademark and its total or partial reproduction is prohibited without prior authorization.